Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thank You !!!

To run a great football team you must surround yourself with quality people. The Mustangs would like to say "Thank You" to these groups that have helped us along the way:

* Coaches Jamie Bahl, Brian Kuhle, Chuck Haas, Nate Oswald, Jeff Hoerner, Todd Gassman, Matt Jaeger, Cody Krug, Bob Timmerman, Ryan Spires, Dave Ripperger and Maury Palm.
These guys are the foundation on which the program is built.

* Trainer Megan Weber who helps not only with our physical pains, but with our emotional pains as well. She always has a great staff of student trainers as well.

* Casey Olmstead and Shelby Avenarius who do the jobs no one wants.

* Our Principal Lee Kolker and AD Tom Meissner who allow us to do our jobs.

* Wanda Wallace our great administrative assistant who bleeds green and gold.

* Bruce Anderson who is considered the best "Ball Man" in the conference.

* Mike Ehlers, Steve Kaiser and Dan Kennedy are the stat guys with all the numbers.

* The coaches wives who never complain and allow us to chase our dreams.

* Jane Melgaard who made this awesome website and takes our pictures.

* The greatest cheerleaders in Iowa who are always there for us.

* The fans who come to the games to watch us play.

* The wonderful parents who give their time and money to the program.

* To the Hempstead teachers who support our program in all ways.

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