Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mustang Team Awards

Another great Mustang banquet was held last Sunday night.  Thanks to all that helped make it a special night.
Team Awards voted on by the players is always one of the highlights of the night and all of these players were thankful for the team's votes.

Team MVP
Brad Duwe- Great all-around player and person. 

Defensive MVP's
Jay Gonzales and Mitch Berendes- Both hard working hitters who loved to play.

Offensive MVP
Cody Leach- Excellent year at QB.

Hustle Award
Tyler Furlin- Hard working player who fought through injuries.

Most Improved
Ryan Arensdorf- Remarkable improvement over his four years.

Captain Award
Jordan Waddick- 100% work ethic.

Coaches Appreciation
Chad Crabill- Quality young man who did his job.

Scout Team
Luke Ploessl and Mitch Edwards- Always on the field helping the others get better.

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